Wednesday, July 31, 2013

white girls love drinking out of mason jars

scrolling through my iphone trying to avoid the uncomfortable feelings of being alone
it hit me
this was the first time i had actually been alone in a very long time
someone had been around me for the past 5 months 
I had been stripped of everything that had made me human
things as primitive as the right to flush my own pee
and now i was out
on the generic red airport carpet

the first few steps after leaving rehab are the most epic, out of body steps you will ever take.
you feel so great and happy and ready
but in the back of your mind you know that at any second you could fall into the deep void again
one freedom you give yourself one thing you say you will only do once.. 
but you suppress it
and keep walking
looking at all the faces around
wondering where they had been the past 5 months
intrigued by their regular lives
and the fact that they had not been confined and asked how they were feeling endlessly 

rehab makes you weak i think,
it makes you soft
and if the whole world were a rehab
that would be fine
but the truth is
the world hurts, and runs and doesn't care how hurt you are
or what you feel

reaching the boarding gate the fear is more clear and crippling
i feel people judging my tears
"this crazy bitch
what is she so scared of,
its just a homeland flight 
and well be there in less than an hour"
but to me
once we hit the clouds
i've hit freedom

fish food

fish bowl mind
we see what we allow ourselves to see
we place ourselves in a fish bowl
and look outside with distortions
passionately trying to understand everything
behind our squishy colored eyes
We forget the screens there
and bend things even more
we remain trapped to what we want to be trapped to
we keep thinking of who we want to keep inside
just one less thought and they'd be gone,
but we let them stay and swim around
in hope for some exchange,
to keep our brains in symbiosis

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


deep manifesto

the title clings to me
now i cant just pretend
i have made it tangible

fucking nights
when I confused dawn for
and you for a real lover
I can no longer use that

now im trying not to run
sticking to one floor
one bed
one year
to four