Sunday, September 22, 2013

trying hard to think twice before i fall head first into whatever i used to be

Ive been blocking myself. Ive been down low.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

summer time wreck

Dressed in summer, skin bronzed, body tingling. She was the girl caught in the death grips of anxiety. The self hate and the endless search for happiness were only completely cured by the pills her mother gave her. Pop one, pop two and the weight was off her shoulders. She was a lost child to this generation, constantly at war with her brain. Always making herself feel less than and then bringing herself back up with some magic chemical reaction lodged in a capsule or boy or anything beyond her. Dressed to impress, she sat in the driver’s seat of a new car, her right foot weighing down on the pedal. Next to her sat her boyfriend, but he was gone to his subconscious, lost in a dream. He was striving so hard to be happy but the pain he had endured thus far in life made it nearly impossible. It was a car filled with dysfunction and love. They were polar opposites brought together by suffering. Neither of them had ever had a real family or had been taught how to function as working parts of society. They relied on each other to fill the void each had, however she paid a higher cost. The extra concealer on her left eye was not exactly trying to conceal lack of sleep, but she loved him and needed someone to keep her stable.

They had planned this vacation to the west coast for months. This trip had to be perfect. She had to prove them all wrong. She was happy, lucky, free and loved. By now she had been driving for a few hours. Her mind wandered to the feeling of a few weeks prior: she had been miserable and trying to escape her mother’s bad habits and dark habitat. She reached for any escape to keep her sane in limbo. She looked down and caught a glimpse of the abbreviation "KC" written in ink on her hand. She smiled to herself, trying to remain present to the heat and desert. The car sped 80 mph down the west Texas highway. The only sound present was the wind hitting the front of the car, sliding down the sides, encapsulating it and then passing. She looked to her boyfriend. Despite everything she loved him quietly and completely. It made her feel okay and everything worked out better that way. Everything was still and semi-sweet perfect; the calm before the storm.

All of a sudden, like a raindrop falling and then finally making contact with concrete, the giant monster that lived inside her brain cells broke free. It hit the side of the car with an intense rage and power that pushed it towards the dirt median. She screamed, her lungs pouring out of her. Her boyfriend was awake now, eyes and mouth wide open. She tried to steer the wheel the opposite way, but it was too late. She and the car were now completely out of control. She looked straight into the horizon and felt the end coming. A soft song played in her head as she looked forward for the last time. Her vision pin holed, like a sad movie ending slowly. She was gone into a dream or a deep emotion.

A white noise, no color, and an unsteady feeling. Her vision returned slowly in stop motion. A warm liquid covered her. No other senses seemed to be working. She couldn't remember if she had cried. Her brain was equivalent to a cloud, nothing tangible to help her react. She looked to her right to make sure he was okay. He was yelling but she could not process his words. He unbuckled her but she remained in a newborn state. Ever so slowly she began to feel. She concluded the warm liquid was blood, her vision still in black and white. The car was on fire but she could not understand it. He begged her to get out. She still could not process his lips. She looked down and saw the "KC" on her hand –  “keep calm.” She took one last euphoric breath and put a smile on her face. She had finally reached the numbness she so sought. Her skin, bones and senses meant nothing to her now. She was wrapped in a deep, black velvet blanket. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She was happy, lucky, free and loved.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I've been up for 2 days straight. I drove my sister to the bus station downtown this morning. I have never laughed as much as I did thinking of what the people crossing the street could be thinking. fucking 9 am weidos. I couldn't function at the gas station trying to get coffee. The man had to hand me a lid then joked when I checked out and said the coffee was the amount of bill I was holding. No laugh from me, just confusion. The day goes on. Things just aren't normal today. I better sleep but this xbox got a hold of me..

break up text


1. Ate a whole package of roasted seaweed
2. Stayed up all night playing xbox
3. Started smoking
4. Gave up on dating
5. Thought about being a lesbian
6. Missed the dick
7. Asked Reddit for advice
8. Moved on

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Isn't it funny, that I felt the most powerful, when your dick was in my hand.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sick in a bed-stuy clinic

Sick in a bed-stuy clinic

I had been a walking corpse for a few days but being as cynical as I am I thought going to the doctor would make no difference. So I continued to self medicate with prescriptions by google. By the second day of taking shots of apple cider vinegar and rubbing Castor oil on my lymph nodes I still felt awful. I decided to wake up early the next morning and be the first one in line for the new local clinic in one of the raunchiest neighborhoods in Brooklyn, which is where I was located at the moment. I was desperate. Bright and early the next day I slicked my greasy hair down, put on the biggest sunglasses I own and walked a few blocks to the clinic. By the time I got there, there was already a line of the typical neighborhood weirdos waiting outside for the door to be opened. A grandma with a Mcgriddle in hand and of course a girl with the nappiest weave I have ever seen. I knew I was in for more than I expected. As the door man let us all in, the stampede began. We all herded our way to the second floor. I was semi shocked to be the first person in line as I finally made it to the "Adult Medicine" section; no one else had taken the stairs. I walked up to the receptionist and was greeted by the smell of "Hawaiian breeze", donuts and burrito. She looked sweet but as soon as she patted her weave and gave me a death glare, I knew. She asked me why I was here and for my ID. Then she told me a nurse would call me and that she didn't know when the nurses would be in. Just my luck, I'd die on this generic tile floor. I sat down to find no magazines, just condoms in fish bowls. Then the receptionist starts going off on everyone. A woman from the front desk walks in and asks her why its so dark; Her response, "I Don't need no bright lights in here, its EARLY." I think by this point she had heated herself up and was dripping in sweat. She asks another woman to get her "one dem towels" from the doctors office. Slowly, I'm dying. An hour passes and finally a nurse calls me in. She takes my vitals and then takes a very important phone call in another language while I sit there in a cold sweat. I hear a voice from another room calling out my last name and I wish for the best and that maybe a brilliant doctor awaited my pale body. I walk in to see fruit snack wrappers all over a computer desk and a small Indian woman typing away at a windows '98 screen. All hope is lost. She takes my vitals again, eats some more fruit snacks and types my symptoms into the computer one letter at a time.  She then says I may have an ear infection but she doesn't know and tells me to go to the ER if I get any worse. This whole time my cloudy head is giving up on trying to make out what she is saying. I am beyond exhausted and rather be at home with my apple cider vinger. She prescibes some ear drops and says, "OK", which I take is my signal to go. I walk out mad, sad and still very sick.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


been gone

I've been gone for such a long time
finding myself in piles of luggage and old cigarette boxes
under cold showers and sleepy eyes
apple cores and vodka tonics

hope I'm drifting the right way

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

white girls love drinking out of mason jars

scrolling through my iphone trying to avoid the uncomfortable feelings of being alone
it hit me
this was the first time i had actually been alone in a very long time
someone had been around me for the past 5 months 
I had been stripped of everything that had made me human
things as primitive as the right to flush my own pee
and now i was out
on the generic red airport carpet

the first few steps after leaving rehab are the most epic, out of body steps you will ever take.
you feel so great and happy and ready
but in the back of your mind you know that at any second you could fall into the deep void again
one freedom you give yourself one thing you say you will only do once.. 
but you suppress it
and keep walking
looking at all the faces around
wondering where they had been the past 5 months
intrigued by their regular lives
and the fact that they had not been confined and asked how they were feeling endlessly 

rehab makes you weak i think,
it makes you soft
and if the whole world were a rehab
that would be fine
but the truth is
the world hurts, and runs and doesn't care how hurt you are
or what you feel

reaching the boarding gate the fear is more clear and crippling
i feel people judging my tears
"this crazy bitch
what is she so scared of,
its just a homeland flight 
and well be there in less than an hour"
but to me
once we hit the clouds
i've hit freedom

fish food

fish bowl mind
we see what we allow ourselves to see
we place ourselves in a fish bowl
and look outside with distortions
passionately trying to understand everything
behind our squishy colored eyes
We forget the screens there
and bend things even more
we remain trapped to what we want to be trapped to
we keep thinking of who we want to keep inside
just one less thought and they'd be gone,
but we let them stay and swim around
in hope for some exchange,
to keep our brains in symbiosis

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


deep manifesto

the title clings to me
now i cant just pretend
i have made it tangible

fucking nights
when I confused dawn for
and you for a real lover
I can no longer use that

now im trying not to run
sticking to one floor
one bed
one year
to four

Sunday, January 27, 2013

buy it

i dont want to grow old
i dont want to lose me
is that what growing up is?
losing yourself
and meshing into the surrounding junk
fitting in, making money
burying yourself
its getting old
the days go by so fast
i keep losing track
of the months
trying to get you back
5pm no different then 3am at this point.
siting, heart racing out of control
just listen to the music
try to forget
your bigger than this
your not a fucking mess
listen to the beat
suppress your emotions
lay down
5pm no different then 3am
self loathing
really just a fucking mess